Sunday 5 February 2012

The Last Days of Decadence

When the champagne flutes sing empty
and the cocaine mirrors crack

When the Chinese food tastes like week old gruel
When your lungs are old and black.

Will you sit with tea and biscuits
On a night that’s yet to pass

Reminisce these days of Decadence
when your lips touched every glass.

Will you smell that marijuana
Like you smoked it yesterday

All the tales you spun with the long lost friends
You hoped would not fade away.

Will your eyes ignite and sparkle
At the thought every kiss

All the ones whose name escapes you
And the few that you still miss.

Will the music still be flooding
From the carpet to the roof

Will you raise your hands to the songs you sang
In the dancehalls of your youth.

Will you still embrace desire
Will your heart still beat your head

Will you lie with lust and feeling
In your lovers noisy bed.

Will you sleep with peaceful conscience
That you fought on sides of right

Will you rest on withered laurels
or keep raging at the light.

Will you dream of words unfinished
Will the dark clouds rain regret

Will those carefree days of decadence
be the last thing you forget.

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