Sunday 5 February 2012

My first day at school

“Do you believe in the devil?” the black widow said
As she kicked at my friend to make sure she was dead

I replied with a glare of disgust and defeat
And then closed the scared eyes of the girl at my feet .

The cries of the babies howl loud though my ears
I'd cry with them too but I've used up my tears

I watch as the ghosts move the lost from the living
The guns look like toys in the hands of the women.

A boy tries to run but he's caught by the scruff
She hit's him twice hard as if one wasn't enough.

The bandit strolls round shouting curse after curse
My stomach screams empty and lips shake with thirst

A sudden explosion rips concrete and glass
I cover my face from the heat of the blast

The smell of flesh searing and fresh burning wood
Is the last thing I feel for I taste my own blood.

In this place that a cold hearted God has abandoned
I hear a prayer whispered
And silently strangled.

I once saw a film of a far away war
Grey soldiers and ships fighting brave on the shore

My father said Son that's a glorious thing

But there's no glory here
In the dark Beslan gym....

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