Wednesday 15 August 2012

Tenfoot City Magazine (Issue 12)

It's been a while since we had a good old fashioned assassination but with an ebony gentleman poised for the American presidency surely it can't be long before some religious gun-toting racist or CIA backed hit-man fires a bullet or six in Barack Obama's direction.

He's a little bit too progressive for mainstream America with his “crazy” ideas about pro-choice, a reduction in oil corporation control and a peace-spreading foreign policy….. so any decent right-wing organisation fuelled by brown envelopes and the word of God should be working around the clock to ensure dear Baracks political revolution doesn't come to fruition.

Some might suspect it's more difficult to kill a candidate these days, what with the advent of CCTV and futuristic surveillance, but hell, those technological marvels failed to catch hardly any of the World Trade Centre action and the camera footage of the plane flying into the Pentagon has strangely not been released because it would be a “danger to national security”.

I could only speculate, in my usual innocent and non-cynical way, why showing the video evidence of a 'real' event could possibly bring down the American government, but it would be a waste of valuable breath and ink and only a handful of people would give a toss anyway.

Adolf Hitler, not the most popular of men due to his genocide tendencies and suspicious moustache, gave us three valuable and insightful quotes that pretty much sum up my thoughts on modern politics and everyone on the planet should burn these words into their brain as far as I'm concerned .

'Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it'

'By the skilful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as

hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise'.

'What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.'

Speaking of propaganda and the idiocy of the general population. Is it just me or are the television adverts for Sky Plus a scientific experiment to test just how stupid the British people really are? David Gower, Felicity Kendall and Michael Parkinson being interviewed in a documentary style and expressing their love for a set-top box, not because they are being paid to of course, but because they feel compelled to spread the word of this marvellous invention to the general public.

I've sometimes been accused of going too far in this column and expressing myself in a vile and inappropriate manner but I really must say, and with my hand on my heart, that anyone who isn't offended by those advertisements needs to do the decent thing and kill themselves. And anyone who bought Sky Plus on the strength of Kelly Brooks glowing endorsement should be rounded up, thrown into Auschwitz and gassed to kingdom come.

I mean we really have to ask ourselves, who actually won world war II?

Sure the third Reich was defeated, the Jews liberated and crazy old Adolf took a bullet to the head, but if you read the quotes above and look around the world, it seems to me that Hitler’s ideology was not destroyed by the allied forces but embraced, adapted and has been used by governments to control and fool their people for the last 63 years!

So maybe the rulers, the rich and the land owning gentry scored a victory over the Nazi's, but the average Joe who suffered through the blitz, the bombings and the blood-letting ultimately lost.

I reckon many people would disagree with that, call me out for desecrating the memory of the fallen and wiping my arse on the flag and you know, well, they would be half right.

The real tragedy, that millions upon millions of ordinary people died in that war (and the one before) is not lost on me, in fact it saddens me beyond words.

Though I do often wonder what their sacrifice ensured, other than the preservation of the power of the ruling elite.

Did they die for the union jack, for freedom, for democracy, for social equality and justice for all?. Maybe we‘re told so, maybe they believed so, but in the end all that extinction of a generation achieved, was for the people to be given a few basic human rights they should already have had anyway and, oh yeah, Ross Kemp’s grandma being able to digitally record the snooker.

Who knows for sure eh? All I know is, if I had the money to renounce my citizenship and become a travelling gypsy without a flag or country, I’d do it tomorrow.

But alas…life goes on.


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