Wednesday 29 February 2012


I’m not so arrogant
To think I know it all
I suppose in the grand scheme of things I’m pretty fucking small

So I can’t tell you how it is
If two and two make three

I can’t say what has come to pass
Or how it just might be

But one thing before I fade away into the wines abyss
There’s never been a better chance
To find a bit of bliss.

We travel far together looking for the way back home
Recanting tales of how we’ve failed
And every chance we’ve blown

Those moments
Passing moments
That we cast out in the breeze

Forgotten slick of every trick
And talent up our sleeves

Just once before we lose ourselves in fates undying kiss
Let’s take the time to try and find
A little bit of bliss.

A man of many colours but I dream in shades of blue

There’s so much left of life’s hot breath
And so much more to do

Lost lovers by the thousand waiting lazy at the bar

The beauty strolling next to me is going to be a star

And soon for her all this will be a memory long dismissed

Her day will come
She’ll touch the sun
And feel a bit of bliss.

I’m not so arrogant
To think I know it all

I suppose in the grand scheme of things I’m pretty fucking small

But this I know
And this I’m sure


For the dead know only one thing
It’s better to be alive.

So when I go I hope you know it’s this I’m going to miss

For this is love
For this is life

For this is
This is!

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